Friday, November 14, 2008


Membawa maksud belum memperoleh kekuasaan sudah seperti penguasa.
Dalam UMNO ramai juga berada dalam kategori ni. Mereka tidak bergigi tapi berselera besar walaupun kemampuan kurang. Cara yang digunakan ialah dengan meminjam baju orang lain yang sedang berkuasa supaya dia juga dilihat berkuasa. Ada yang menyamar pakai baju bapa mertua, ayah, abang atau adik yang sedang berkuasa.

Ramai di kalangan mereka kerana tidak dapat mengunyah kerana belum bergigi terus menelan. Akhirnya ada yang sembelit, rosak usus dan organ dalaman lain. Ada yang tercekik, ada ada juga yang masuk ICU, koma kerjaya politiknya dan ada yang terus membawa maut.

Cubalah kenal pasti personaliti-personaliti yang berkaitan dengan kisah ini..

Ada sikit kena-mengena dengan petitih para 1 di atas. Bermaksud mengerjakan sesuatu dengan mencari jalan mudah. Kalau berpolitik mereka mencari jalan mudah dan tidak mahu ikut liku-liku kelaziman politik. Bila mereka golekkan batang berguling ni, ramailah yang terlanda dan terhimpit kerana batang ni tak ada ‘brek & stering’. Dia akan ‘lunggah’ apa saja yang ada di depan. Tapi kalau tergolek ke tempat tinggi, silap-silap batang boleh ‘reverse’ menghimpit diri. Kalau tergolek ke tempat curam, batang akan berguling terlebih laju pulak. Akhirnya si penggolek gigit telunjuk..

Bermaksud orang yang diberi barang tapi tidak tahu cara memakainya. Ada ke masuk akal pengembala guna keris untuk menebas lalang, sembelih kambing dan ‘tutuh’ dahan. Orang luar yang tengok perlakuan ni tentu akan kata pengembala ni ‘mental retarded’ atau mereng. Dalam UMNO ramai juga masuk kategori ni. Tidak hairanlah kita dalam UMNO dan kerajaan banyak berlaku salah guna kuasa, salah guna wang dan salah tadbir urus keparat gara-gara dapat kuasa tapi tak tahu nak guna cara yang betul. Mereka ini boleh juga diumpamakan ‘SEPERTI BERUK DAPAT BUNGA’

Bermaksud bagaimana guru begitulah muridnya. Guru yang baik boleh membentuk murid kadang-kadang hingga menyamai kualiti guru. Jarang yang jadi lebih baik dari guru. Tapi kalau guru mengajar benda tidak baik seperti kencing berdiri maka murid akan kencing berlari. Maknanya murid boleh jadi lebih dasyat perangainya dari guru, kalau guru ajar atau tunjuk tauladan tidak baik.

Itu sebab dalam UMNO sekarang semakin banyak budaya jelik dan baru yang tak pernah berlaku atau sikit-sikit berlaku dulu makin meningkat keparahannya. Beberapa generasi yang lalu rasuah berlaku di peringkat tertentu kepimpinan parti tapi kini rasuah politik sudah melata menjadi satu keperluan hingga ke cawangan. Mula-mula rasuah haram. Generasi selepasnya pula rasuah sudah jadi makruh, lepas tu harus. Kini nampak seolah-olah sudah jadi sunat muaqad dan hampir-hampir wajib. Macam mana tak wajib. Kalau tak bagi tak dapat undi…

Bermaksud, seseorang yang kalau dijadikan ketua , ia jadi angkuh, sombong, riak dan takabbur, bila jadi anggota biasa pulak banyak cerewetnya. Jenis ni ramai juga. Nak jadi ketua tak layak tapi bila suruh jadi pengikut, kerjanya asyik melanyak pulak. Itu sebab ramai pemimpin UMNO hari ni pening kepala dan tak tahu nak pimpin dan nak selesai masalah yang datang bertimpa. Mana tidaknya, yang memimpin tak ada kelayakan memimpin dan yang dipimpin pulak tak sudah-sudah buat hal dan tak pernah cukup.

Maksudnya, walau pun sudah selesai tapi masih berbahaya sebab bila-bila boleh menyala kembali. Dimisalkan pada suatu perkara yg sudah putus, namun masih belum tuntas sepenuhnya kerana masih berbaki.

Jadi, jangan sangka bila peralihan kuasa sudah jelas, masalah UMNO secara otomatik boleh selesai. Jangan sangka UMNO terus boleh pulih kekuatan sebaik saja kuasa berpindah tangan. Puntung masih berasap…Keyakinan rakyat belum tentu boleh pulih, 3.5 juta ahli UMNO belum tentu 100% undi BN dalam PRU13. Komponen BN seperti MCA & Gerakan tak mungkin secara otomatik terus memahami semula konsep perkongsian kuasa BN.

Pembangkang pulak belum tentu habis modal dan isu hanya disebabkan Pak Lah pencen awal. Bukan melayu tak mungkin terus akan iktiraf ketuanan melayu. 4 juta pengundi baru menjelang PRU13 sokong siapa? ..dan 5 negeri yang dikuasai pembangkang boleh dapat balik ke…?

Ini bukan puntung rokok...sekali penyek terus padam.


  1. Salam hormat,

    Presiden: Najib Razak
    Tim Pres: Muhiyudin Yasin
    Naib Pres: Hismaudin.Shafie, Isa
    MT-MT : pilih sendiri
    KP : Mukhriz Mahathir
    NKP: Razali Ibrahim
    KW : Sharizat Jalil
    NKW: Kamilia
    K.Puteri : ???
    Segala-gala berada ditangan perwakilan, selamat memilih dan berjuang..tapi jgn KEPAL WANG KEPAL DUIT..Abih UMNO porak peranda.

  2. A non-malay even though he is more capable and more qualified but cannot:

    Be - the prime minister of the country
    Be - the deputy prime minister of the country
    Be - the head of any branch of the armed forces in the country
    Be - the head of department in a ministry
    Be - the head of state of the states with no rulers
    Be - the head prefect of a national school
    Be - the IGP of the country
    Be - the nominated as the best of the best in the school
    Be - the secretary-general or deputy secretary-general of a ministry

    What is worse is that the PM goes around telling people, repeating a crazy lie, by saying that - "We do not practice racial discrimination in our country".

    Did the MCA and MIC leaders agree to this in 1957?

    Did the people in Sabah and Sarawak also agree to this in 1963?

    I think malays will keep on to give rubbish answer!

  3. The truth is that the ability of education to bring people together is limited. On top of that, education - at least secular one - is about the pursuit of knowledge and truth, and hence whatever is taught in schools should be based on the truth and reality in order to unite the students.

    But when our society is already polarised by the law and other economic realities, and we tell our children otherwise in school, its likely that the unity lessons will never stick for long or even worse result in a backlash.

    What is more distressing is the fact that national education policy is only meant for the masses while our political leaders send their children overseas. Can we believe they have faith in our own educational facilities and that they are sincere in wanting the best for us?

    In Malaysia, unfairness is institutionalised. For example, it is alright for certain schools or universities like the Universiti Institut Teknologi Mara to bar non-malays.

    So it piques me to hear some blaming vernacular schools for racial tensions. Vernacular schools have never barred malays from enrolling into them unlike Mara educational institutions. If vernacular schools are to be blamed, so too must the Mara institutions.

    A minister responsible for higher education who can make such inflammatory statements confirms that the so-called meritocracy system of university entrance is a sham, since he was able to promise that the percentage for malay applicants will never fall below the previous quota percentage.

    Is he suggesting that we should rejoice over our poor education? Please do not confuse quality with quantity.

    I cannot help but think that the politicians have an ulterior motive. If so, please be honest and brave enough to admit it.

    With such narrow-minded people in charge, it is difficult to have confidence in any of their suggestions.

    When it came to choosing a career, I avoided public services for the fear of being excluded from promotions just like how I was excluded from matriculation etc. Many employers are also very racially defined.

    Now, as much as I miss hanging out with people of other races, I end up being with people of my own race.

    Looking back, I don't think our primary vernacular system is the cause of disunity. On the contrary, it enriches our Malaysian heritage. The real problems are with the uneven playing fields that split malays and non-malays from secondary school onwards.

    Another examples are the Chinese Indonesians. Most of them don't even speak their mother tongue, nor do they even carry Chinese names anymore, yet come any major political turmoil, they are targeted by the majority. Is this due to vernacular education?

    The government should be aware of the fact that the number of Chinese schools has not increased over the past 30 years despite the need for them due to increased demand from both Chinese and non-Chinese students.

    The diversity of education methods in the country is a national treasure and should be upheld. Unity will come from mutual respect and fair treatment for all - not necessarily from a uniform education.

    Whether they will take concrete steps to address the imbalance is another matter for, while I am optimistic about the people of Malaysia, I have very little faith in politicians.

  4. Then let me re-quote Lee Kuan Yew:

    Singaporean politician Lee Kuan Yew of the PAP, who publicly questioned the need for Article 153 in parliament, and called for a "Malaysian Malaysia".

    In a speech, Lee Kuan Yew bemoaned what would later be described as the Malaysia social contract:

    "According to history, malays began to migrate to Malaysia in noticeable numbers only about 700 years ago. Of the 39% malays in Malaysia today, about one-third are comparatively new immigrants like the secretary-general of Umno, Dato Syed Jaafar, who came to Malaya from Indonesia just before the war at the age of more than thirty. Therefore it is wrong and illogical for a particular racial group to think that they are more justified to be called Malaysians and that the others can become Malaysians only through their favour."

    Eventually, and Singapore became an independent nation in 1965, with Lee Kuan Yew as its first prime minister.
