Saturday, November 8, 2008


Ramai kalangan pemimpin bukan melayu dalam BN dan kalangan pembangkang sedang mengambil kesempatan menggunakan Obama sebagai ikon baru untuk menghalalkan bukan melayu jadi Perdana Menteri. Katanya, sudah sampai masanya rakyat Malaysia berfikiran terbuka seperti rakyat Amerika. Mereka yang berfikiran bahawa orang melayu saja boleh jadi Perdana Menteri sudah dianggap orthodok!

Ong Tee Keat atau pun Lim Kit Siang sebenarnya mahukan kaum cina jadi Perdana Menteri atau dalam bahasa mudahnya, kaum minoriti menjadi Perdana Menteri. Dia bukan mahu rakyat Malaysia jadi PM tapi sebenarnya dia mahu rakyat cina Malaysia jadi PM atau memegang jawatan-jawatan strategik. Tidak mungkin dia mahukan kaum india jadi PM. Itu pun perkaumanlah namanya tu...Cuma mereka ada cara untuk menghalalkan cadangannya melalui kekerapan menggunakan perkataan keterbukaan dan kesamarataan.

Pemikiran orthodok bermaksud pemikiran lama yang tidak berpijak di bumi nyata dan bukan semata-mata pemikiran lama! Walaupun pemikiran baru tapi jika tidak berpijak di bumi nyata itu sebenarnya lebih orthodok dan jumud dari pemikiran lama tetapi realistik...

Kawasan parlimen yang ada majoriti cina belum menjangkau 60 kerusi parlimen. Bagaimana untuk jadi PM? Kaum cina perlu lagi 52 kerusi parlimen selain dari 60 kawasan majoriti kaum cina untuk membolehkan cina jadi PM dengan sokongan majoriti mudah.

Kalau nak juga jadi PM, usahalah yakinkan kaum-kaum lain termasuk melayu, kadazaan, iban dan lain-lain etnik supaya tidak lagi berfikiran orthodok. Kalau mereka dapat mengubah pemikiran orthodok etnik-etnik yang wujud di negara ini, maka bolehlah pasang angan-angan untuk cina jadi PM. Kaum cina di Singapura pun bolehlah berkira-kira untuk berfikiran terbuka dan tidak orthodok seperti rakyat Amerika dengan memberi lebih ruang kepada kaum minoriti untuk menjawat jawatan penting atau pun Perdana Menteri Singapura.

Lagi satu cara ialah, Ong Tee Keat dan Lim Kit Siang kena usaha dari sekarang untuk memastikan supaya kaum cina menjadi majoriti pengundi di setiap kawasan parlimen di 222 kawasan parlimen yang ada hari ini. Mereka kena daftarkan pemilih dari keturunan cina seramai mungkin sehingga menjadi majoriti di setiap kawasan parlimen. Jika ini dapat dilakukan maka bolehlah sekali lagi berangan untuk jadi PM atau menjawat jawatan strategik.

Jika 2 perkara ini dapat dilakukan oleh Ong Tee Keat dan Lim Kit Siang, maka bolehlah mereka mengobamakan pemikiran rakyat Malaysia, seterusnya barulah boleh keluarkan rakyat dari belenggu pemikiran orthodok.

Nampak sangat dia orang ni memang mengidam untuk berkuasa dengan cuba mengkambing hitamkan Obama dan konsep keterbukaan pemikiran yang merentasi sempadan etnik. Kepada pemimpin-pemimpin yang berfikiran seperti Ong Tee Keat dan Lim Kit Siang, perlu diingatkan bahawa buat masa ini, mengidam jawatan dan kuasa yang berlebih-lebihan dari realiti yang ada di negara ini samalah seperti mengidam untuk makan semangkuk hati nyamok! Janganlah ikut resmi Puteri Gunung Ledang. Janganlah ‘potray’ diri lebih Malaysian dari orang lain tapi berperangai seperti orang bunian yang meminta perkara bukan-bukan...

Letih juga kita tengok ketua komponen parti MCA yang sudah tidak mahu faham konsep perkongsian kuasa yang selama ini terbukti berjaya membawa kesejahteraan dan keharmonian di kalangan rakyat. Kalau ketua sendiri sudah tidak yakin dengan dasar BN, tidak ada gunanya lagi untuk tidur sebantal dalam komponen. Tidor dengan isteri tapi terbayang-bayang kehebatan bini orang. Kalau sudah cenderung kepada dasar Pakatan Rakyat, apa gunanya mendukung dasar BN!

Memang kita mahukan pemimpin berfikiran terbuka, tetapi dalam masa yang sama mereka harus menjunjung dasar-dasar yang diketengahkan BN dan mereka bertanggungjawab untuk yakinkan rakyat dengan dasar-dasar tersebut. Bukan mendukung dasar BN tapi dalam masa yang sama mencemburui dasar-dasar yang di bawa Pakatan Rakyat.

Kita cadangkan supaya diwujudkan syarat-syarat asas kelayakan untuk menjadi Presiden parti dalam komponen BN, seseorang itu mestilah bersedia mendukung dan menjayakan konsep yang dibawa oleh BN. Jika terkeluar dari garis panduan ini maka mereka tidak layak jadi Presiden kepada parti komponen. Jika diambil juga pemimpin yang tidak mendukung dasar BN samalah seperti memberi ‘ubat bedil’ kepada lawan untuk menghancurkan BN dari dalam.

Jika BN bercadang untuk lakukan pembaharuan dalam konteks BN menghadapi realiti masa kini, konsep permuafakatan seperti yang telah dipersetujui tidak harus dikompromi dan harus menjadi perkara paling asas yang wajib dipersetujui sebelum perkara-perkara lain dirundingi antara sesama parti komponen.

Pak Najib sekurang-kurangnya harus mempunyai kebolehan kepemimpinan ‘at par’ dengan ayahanda Tun Razak, jika tidak lebih baik kerana keadaan hari-hari mendatang pastinya lebih ‘kompleks’ dari keadaan di zaman ayahandanya.



  1. Saya nak tanya Sdr Ong Tee Keat Sdr Lim Kit Siang apa kah bendenya kita bolih belajar daripada Amerika Syarikat ?
    Belajar jahanamkan sistem bank dan kewangan?
    Belajar berperang dengan orang yang lemah ?
    Bunuh rakyat negara asing yang tidak pernah serang amerika ?
    Rancang untuk serang negara jauh6000 batu dari pantai Amerika ?
    Bahaya sungguh pemikiraan anda semua ?
    Nak ajak Malaysia ikut jejak negeri pembunuh dan perosak.
    Kalu ikut jejak contoh negeri yang baik kan bagus saperti Singapura India Jepun Korea Taiwan Jerman Russia PRC bolih pakai sikit kut?
    Obama belum angkat sumpah lagi jadi Presiden, macam mana tahu dia bagus dan baik untuk kepentingan malaysia ?
    Kenape anda tak sebut terang dan nyata dan di parliamen sesi ini bahawa anda mahu orang keturunan Cina atau India atau Cindia layak sekarang jadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia
    Atau pun istihar sahaja anda sudah jadi Perdana Menteri tapi malaysia tak kasi dan tak iktiraf .
    Lagi pun Obama bukan pandai sangat kalau di bandingkan dengan Sdr OTK.
    Macam mana tidak, OTK orang malaysia, mampu bertutur fasih bahasa melayu mandarin dan ingeris jauh lebih pandai dari Obama.
    Dia tahu ingeris saje.
    Tapi anda nak puji Amerika dan Obama puji lah ke langat.

    Saya suka puji Malaysia dan tak pernah buat bandingan dengan negeri lain.
    Sebab saya orang Malaysia.
    Anda ? ta tahu lah, Mykad dahade,paspot Malaysia ade,Pangkat Datuk dan Dato pun dah dapat, tapi hati di lain kut ?
    Saya dan rakyat Msia yang lain fikir dan setuju bahawa anda yang fasih Bahase melayu ingeris dan mandarin dan lain dialek cina,lulus dari universti tempatan sebagai Injineir mekanikal, ada lah orang pandai dan bukan orang bodoh.
    Tapi kalau nak pilih jadi orang bodoh kami tak menghalang kerana itu adalah hak anda.
    Cuma kena ingat dan di ingatkan anda jejak di bumi malaysia dan jikalau anda tak suka dengan 30 % ke ,sosial kontrak ke ,atau hak orang Melayu, cakap aje di atas bumi Malaysia.
    Orang Melayu bolih terima.
    Tapi jangan lah nak suruh orang Melayu fikir macam orang Amerika.
    Itu nama kerja orang bodoh.
    arjuna waspada

  2. Susah sikit kalau jajah pemikiran kalau tidak menyeluruh ;-)

    Selamat Datang Ke Laman Blog Baru Saya :-)

  3. The malay pig have drawn up a plan to displace all non-malays. They are discriminating against all non-malays. More and more non-malays are leaving.

    You know why he/she need to leave……….? It is all because of those idiots who voted for the pig government to chase those talents out of this country.

    This scenario would stay.

    They would prefer to remain backward, so long as they are in control over you and me. I think they enjoy seeing non-malays 'begging' all the time.

    Even though they are left far behind Korea, Taiwan and now Thailand is coming up strong. To them these are not competitors. In their narrow mind, the 'enemies' are local non-malays. Must suppress, by all means.

    All malay pig are programmed to be promoted much faster ahead of non-malays the moment they join University Malaya. Soon University Malaya will be 'dominated' by malay pig and the ranking will slip further.

    Most of the malay pig in Malaysia cannot think clearly, their mind and thinking are clouded by such things as comfort zone, frog-in-a-well syndrome, ignorance, racial pride, stubbornness, etc.

  4. Bodoh punya melayu babi……….

    Baik balik ke tanah melayu la. We are natives of Sabah and Sarawak land - buat apa kamu punya orang datang sini menjajah kita oh?

    Kita tak suka kamu orang datang sini mengorek sumber petroleum tanah kita - this Sabah and Sarawak land not belongs to your malays.

    Get out from Sabah and Sarawak la!

    Bodoh melayu babi!

  5. Ask all malay pig go back to Indonesia.

    The malay pig make Malaysia become rubbish country. Without malay pig in Malaysia - Malaysia country will become same as Singapore or Taiwan.

    Where malay pig came from? Indonesia? Arab? Africa? What happened to our Orang Asli? They are the original settlers here, they should be the true real bumiputras. Not the babiputras we have here.

    What is wrong with the babiputras? Highest crime rates, highest divorce rates, highest number of criminals, highest number of drug users, highest number of rapists.

    A genetically flawed race (babiputras) cannot be fixed by politically.

    What have we got now?

    Brain drain, economic disparity getting wider, poor education system, racial segregation, widespread corruption, inefficiency and uncompetitive on the government departments and others.

    Sad. Sad. Sad. The question asked by many of my fellow Chinese is this - Why can't you just tell the malay pig to adopt Chinese culture which is superior?

    It makes no difference whether I am a Chinese, Indian or for that matter, anyone else, even a Mat Salleh. I am speaking as a human being to a malay pig like you.

    If you malay pig don't like the non-malays here, then go back to Sumatra, Jawa, or wherever your ancestors came from, and give this land back to its rightful master, the Orang Asli.

    If Malaysia is to divide into two countries with malay pig taking the east, and the west to the Chinese and the Indians - watch that the malay pig starting to migrate to the west illegally for a better future.

    It is no wonder Singapore is a country which is 50 years ahead of Malaysia.

    You know something - once outside the perimeters of Malaysia, these malay pig are so small in value even a dog has more value than them!

    Everything in Malaysia is a joke when it comes to the malay pig. They are laughed at by everyone in this world for being incompetent, lazy, useless morons.

    From research, this peninsular was part of the Siamese empire way before these malay pig from Indonesia invaded it.

    Still so thick skin, don't want to go back to Indonesia.

  6. According to a recent study through secret agency, Nihon Himitsu Oruganitsum Bureau, shows that malays were descended from the hybrid between hog/boar and baboon, hence explains why they look like baboon and they don't eat pork.

    Our latest DNA analysis confirmed the fact.

    The Japanese, Europeans etc, all eat pork, so does that mean they are all dirty and only the malays and Arabs are clean?

    These malays have no brains to think properly.

    The secret agency study also finds that Muslims are more violent, lazy, cunning and barbaric due to the lack of pork in their meal and the wrong doctrine.

    They had been misled by Quran for generations which was copied and twisted by Muhammad from Holy Bible just to control his followers so that they don't harm their same species/ancestor (the hybrid between hog/boar and baboon).

  7. I am totally agree what you have said, those moron malays have no sense of 'malu'. For example, I find that most of those malay pig creature are dirty and smelly, but they still walking around proudly with that stinking and ugly look.

    Another example is most of them are poor, they can't afford a big luxury car. When they saw Chinese or Indian driving a big car, they are feeling distress and jealous.

    What a loser! Hey non-malays can afford a big car without depend on NEP policy. But you pathetic malay pig can't afford it even though with NEP policy help. Loser malay pig!

  8. We can't change it politically, you are wrong. We will.

    Once this country is run by terms of equal rights, where each citizen play by the rules and regulations of total fairness, then we shall see where the malays will stand.

    Right down at the bottom? Most probably, yes! Not only the non-malays will agree, the whole world would probably agree as well. In fact some malays will agree this as well.

    The only thing that all of us can see, whether you are a Malaysian, or non-Malaysian, is that the malays here will never change. Not now, never will.

    Your level of intelligence and pathetic sense of judgement depict not only how truthfully and incompetently low life beings you are, crawling at the lowest level of the human hierarchy, begging for alms, practically putting all your grotesque clown-butt ugly faces in front of the world, self admitting that even maggots feasting on a pile of dung, looks and sounds much much better.

    You defense on your own race, will not conclude anything, but strengthen the fact that even your pure existence in this very world of civilized human beings, is worse than the thought of having an incest driven rapist over for dinner.

    Ponder upon this, there is no point defending for yourselves, save it. The fact and all the truth speak louder than just stupid farts coming out from your infested mouth fueled by your retarded brain.

    To be honest, how naive you are with your pointless talk, we can see it in every glory in your statement here. In fact by calling you stupid, would be the most insulting thing by being stupid. Have you ever heard of the word opposition?

    Think my friend, if there is no such thing as bravery to challenge the government face to face, why would oppositions be there?

    By now, your retarded brain must be struggling, thinking, hey what is the point of oppositions if they are not effective enough to fight against the government? Good question.

    One word - CORRUPTION.
    The rest of the picture, I will also leave it up to you.

    The real cowards in Malaysia are the group of people who survive under bogus unfair rights, fictional promises which only rat testicles will believe they are true.

    The same group of people who destroying the country with their own social menaces, incest activities, drugs, materialistic punks with brains the size of a chicken shit, etc.

    The same group of people who are spoilt by unreasonable, pointless, total waste of time support from the government. Which even that, on that very constant support, they are still licking their own balls, nursing their injury, shamelessly.

    And still as of yet, presently and logically categorized as the poorest class citizens who only survive by politically sucking other people's hard earned benefits.

    The same group of people who idolizes external portrayal of physical goodness, but mentally and reality, are bunch of idiotic hypocrites nothing better than a rotting pair of pig testicles. Even the maggots would think twice of devouring such a distasteful crap.

    I am sick and tired of saying this over and over again. I honestly believe, that every single malay individual in this country, within their very heart, and best interests, know where they stand. They know right from the start, that they can't win in a fair and equal environment.

    Their fictitious pride and ego made them proud of their weakness, never ever have the guts to admit their weaker side.

    And how do you think they survive? By playing dirty. And most of the time, very very dirty. To those malays who are successful, trust me, they are not pure malays. They are even embarrassed by the fact that they are malays.


    Still think and insist malays are for perpaduan? fair? got integrity and dignity?

    The only way to have perpaduan is: you motherf***ker stripe your own babi status and come to term with other races on level playing field - that is what we call a step towards perpaduan!

    We are all Malaysians, why not? What is your problem??????????

    Now the answer to this I leave it to you to think. How you want to think it with your level of stupidity, I have truly no idea.

  9. Sunday November 9, 2008

    Non-Chinese PM for Singapore?


    SINGAPORE: The predominantly Chinese republic here may have a non-Chinese prime minister one day but that is unlikely to happen any time soon, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said on Saturday, four days after Americans elected their first black president.

    Lee said race was still a factor that determines voters’ preferences here
    , although he noted that attitudes have shifted.

    He was replying to a question from Association of Muslim Professionals board member Yang Razali Kassim at a dialogue with 350 Malay grassroots and community leaders at the Grassroots Club.

    Yang Razali asked if, in the light of Barack Obama’s win, Singapore was ready for a prime minister of a minority race, and specifically from the Malay-Muslim community.

    Lee said in reply: “It’s possible. It depends on how people vote, on who has the confidence of the population.”

    “Will it happen soon? I don’t think so, because you have to win votes. And these sentiments -- who votes for whom, and what makes him identify with that person -- these are sentiments which will not disappear completely for a long time, even if people do not talk about it, even if people wish they did not feel it.”

    However, he also acknowledged that attitudes towards race have shifted in the last two to three decades.

    “Attitudes have shifted because English provides more of a common ground, because the new generation is better educated and they can see that there are successful people of all races,” he said.

    “But to reach a position where everybody is totally race-blind and religion-blind, I think that’s very difficult. You will not find it in any country in the world.”

    Grassroots volunteer Muhammad Nabil Noor Mohamed, 20, said Lee’s assessment is realistic, but he also believes that people of his generation can see beyond race and religion “to assess a leader on his ability and his merit.”

    Last year, a survey of 1,824 Singaporeans’ views on inter-racial ties by the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies found that 94% of Chinese polled said they would not mind an Indian as prime minister, and 91% said they would not mind a Malay in the top post.

    Lee prefaced his remarks on Singapore by noting that Obama’s election victory marked a “historic change” for America.

    But the win did not mean race was no longer an issue there, he said. He pointed out that after 20 years of Bush and Clinton presidencies, Americans wanted a change.

    “People were tired, they wanted something different, and Mr Obama represented something different,” he said.

    “He was an effective, charismatic candidate and able to mobilise young people and enthuse them, inspire them.”

    Obama won 52% of the popular vote against opponent John McCain’s 46%, but a closer look at how ethnic groups voted showed that race remained a factor, Lee said.

    Just 43% of whites voted for Obama, compared with 60-65% of Latinos and Asians and 95% of blacks.

    “To say that’s socio-economic, nothing to do with race, I don’t think so,” Lee said.

    “The factor is still there, but there are other factors which are important and in this case they all added up, enough for Mr Obama to score a good majority and become president,” he added. -- ANN/ The Straits Times

    Note: Stop being hypocritical.

    And, arguing with rude language is indicative that the argument is made out of anger and in an irrational mode.

    It does not make a weak or unrealistic argument any better.

    Face fact.

    Human exist in different physical form and natural congregate with those of their own kind or some commonality, be the consideration economics, social status, race or religion.

    Face fact that human will have preference for their own kind.

    Whats important is that there is a high level of good value and fairplay, if it is not the ideally absolute.

    Lets not be hyporitical.

    To say race base policy is unfair and discriminatory, it only looks at only one side of the coin.

    Lets look back. Is it most relevant? Off course, it is. It is for justice. Is it fair that the nations wealth is controlled by a single race?!

    Thats an undisputed fact which no amount of multipluralism ideology will dispute.

    The economy is 90% Chinese control. Can you claim zero defect in discriminatory practices?

    What is all those clan associations, trade associatiosn, etc etc all about if not for some unsavory monopolitic practices.

    Mind you it is significantly more relevant than what the Government can actually dish out to Bumiputera.

    You can accuse anything agst the Malays but at the end of the day, the Malays are the majority. By being adversarial, would it make all our future any better?

    Any Chinese businessman knows one needs only to win a Malay heart and gain their trust? Why take the difficult and distructive way forward.

    Was there someone making anti Peninsular remarks. If we pull out all the teachers, police, nurses, army and etc etc etc, can Sabahan and Sarawakian fend of by themselves? If we pullout all Peninsular studenst, the Unimas will be pratically empty.

    Sabah was rich with forestry products but it was the Sabahan that screwed it.

    If Sabah and Sarawak had not join Malaysia, the British will give you independence. Malay was your saviour. There is the 20 point agreement. Don't blame Semenanung only, it was the Sabah politicians that allowed it to be breached.

    Please la ... don't get sucked into this Obama bullshit. Two days after winning he announced a son of an Irgun Zionist terrorist group to be Chief of Staff and he is from neo-con capital Chicago!

    Obama is just an American hype to make the world love America again. Till Obama clear up the global financial mess by the system designed by Americans and messed by them too, I do not buy this Obama crap.

    Till he solve Israel and Palestine, American politicians ain't worth a lump of shit!

  10. Correction:

    If Sabah and Sarawak had not join Malaysia, the British will NOT give you independence. Malaya was your saviour. ....

    I won't tell any further what would happen to Sabah and Sarawak natives, if they had not join Malaya. Go and find out.

    Its not politically correct to be realistic about them these days but they can be outright blunt and rude towards us.

  11. Vesewe you ungrateful SAB,

    Please check the social contract signed and agreed before independence. You should know where you stand you ungrateful rude ass.

  12. Semenjak Mac 2008 berdasarkan tindakkan awam dan hujah hujah dan ucapan ucapan di forum terbuka dan soalan soalan yang tidak pernah timbul ,saya berpendapat luka luka hasil gurisan orang bukan melayu terhadap Institsi ISLAM DAN MELAYU memerlu kan perubahan sikap UMNO daripada sudut perjuangan untuk Malaysia kapada perjuangan untuk Melayu.
    Rata rata Orang Melayu bersifat sabar dan bertolak ansur mengalah sungguhpun asakkan di lihat bertubi tubi.
    Ini adalah kerana Orang Melayu masih yakin dan percaya terhadap Institusi DYMM Raja Raja Melayu dan institusi perundangan,walau pun cabang eksekutib di bagi antara partai pimpinan PR dan Partai pimpinan BN di terajui UMNO.
    Walau pun demikian sya rase gundah kerana bara tetap ada.
    Orang bukan Melayu mengunakan blog untuk melapaskan luahan perasaan dalam benar.
    Ade tulisan tulisan di blog sangat sangat menghasut dan sangat penuh kebencian yang amat.
    Namun demikian kerana sifat sabar dan waras ,orang melayu yang membaca tulisan blog cacian tidak membalas balik senada balik cacian cacian itu.
    Jangan lah bara itu di kipaskan.
    Saya mahu UMNO balik ke pangkal jalan demi mempertahankan Orang Melayu,walau pun ade orang Melayu sendiri yang mahu institusi Mealayu di runtuhkan secara baik atau keras.
    Tak usah kata orang mekayu,orang bukan melayu sudah celik mata dan lantang mempersoal kan secara biadap serta menyokong orang melayu yang hendak runtuh kan hal orang melayu.
    Cukup lah.
    Henti kan lah segera.
    arjuna waspada.
