Kementerian Pelajaran perlu menilai semula pembangunan kurikulum dan perlaksanaan dasar pendidikan kebangsaan sedia ada agar ianya benar-benar selari dengan kehendak Prinsip Rukunegara. Perpaduan dan integrasi nasional yang berteraskan semangat kebangsaan tidak akan mencapai matlamat seperti yang digariskan selagi sistem pendidikan ini tidak benar-benar mencerminkan inti pati yang terkandung di dalam Prinsip Rukunegara.
Matlamat perpaduan yang erat, mencipta kemakmuran negara yang mampu dinikmati secara adil dan saksama oleh seluruh masyarakat di dalam kepelbagaian kaum, budaya, kepercayaan dan taraf hidup hanya akan tercapai jika seluruh warga Malaysia dapat diletakkan di atas satu paksi pertemuan dan persefahaman yang sebenar. Paksi pertemuan yang dimaksudkan adalah berpegang teguh kepada kehendak-kehendak tersirat yang terkandung di dalam Prinsip Rukunegara.
Di atas maksud ini, Kementerian Pelajaran harus membuat persidangan meja bulat bagi menilai semula keberkesanan sistem dan pelaksanaan sedia ada, sama ada ia telah benar-benar menepati matlamat dan prinsip asas rukunegara yang telah digubal dan diterima pakai sejak hampir 40 tahun lalu. Wakil-wakil dan pakar-pakar semua kategori masyarakat, kaum dan budaya harus dihimpunkan khusus bagi merangka dan membincangkan langkah-langkah penambahbaikan yang perlu agar nilai murni dan falsafah rukunegara ini benar-benar dapat diterjemahkan ke dalam sistem dan pelaksanaan sedia ada.
Pertikaian dan percanggahan pendapat tentang sesuatu perkara yang telah dipersetujui sejak lebih 50 tahun lalu terutamanya dalam perkara-perkara yang melibatkan hak dan kepentingan antara kaum kebelakangan ini adalah suatu manifestasi jelas bahawa masih wujud kelemahan dan kekurangan yang perlu diteliti dan diperkemas terhadap perkara-perkara tertentu dalam sistem pendidikan kebangsaan.
Nilai-nilai kepercayaan kepada tuhan, kesetiaan kepada raja dan negara, keluhuran perlembagaan, kedaulatan undang-undang serta kesopanan dan kesusilaan masih berada di tahap separuh masak pada jiwa dan pemikiran rakyat Malaysia.
Kita berkeyakinan penuh selagi semangat prinsip rukunegara ini hanya dijiwai secara separuh masak oleh seluruh rakyat, selagi itulah rakyat pelbagai kaum akan terus mengamalkan budaya tuntut menuntut terhadap segala hak dan kepentingan masing-masing. Secara tidak langsung perasaan hormat dan sifat toleransi yang selama ini menjadi kunci kepada perpaduan dan keharmonian kaum akan beransur pupus ditelan perasaan tamak dan haloba.
Sehubungan dengan ini, pemuda umno khususnya harus konsisten mempertahankan pendirian dan cadangan yang telah dilontarkan oleh Dato Mukhriz bahawa relevansi pendidikan satu aliran di bawah satu bumbung adalah di antara perkara-perkara yang perlu diperhalusi dan dipertimbangkan secara bersungguh-sungguh dan seharusnya dimulakan dari peringkat awal pendidikan. Peribahasa Melayu menyebut, ‘melentur buluh biarlah dari rebungnya’.
Kementerian Pelajaran juga disaran agar membuat kajian model pendidikan yang terdapat di Singapura dan Indonesia kerana kita melihat negara-negara tersebut telah berjaya melahirkan generasi berbilang kaum yang begitu tinggi semangat kekitaan dan kenegaraan di kalangan rakyatnya. Singapura dan Indonesia telah pun menerima pakai sistem pendidikan satu aliran sejak tahun 1960an lagi.
Hasil dari keazaman politik, di Indonesia sebagai contoh, hari ini amat sukar untuk membezakan antara kaum cina dan kaum pribumi kerana mereka begitu fasih menggunakan bahasa Indonesia di dalam semua urusan harian mereka. Di sini jelas, Indonesia telah berjaya membentuk sebuah bangsa Indonesia yang bersatu hasil dari sistem persekolahan yang seragam untuk seluruh rakyat yang berteraskan prinsip pancasila.
Hari ini, keazaman politik yang sama seperti yang dilakukan oleh ke dua-dua negara jiran sejak 40 tahun dulu, amatlah dituntut bagi melahirkan sebuah bangsa Malaysia yang progresif, bersatu padu dan uniform melalui penyerapan sepenuhnya nilai-nilai dan falsafah prinsip rukunegara di dalam sistem pendidikan kebangsaan.
Sikap chauvinis kaum yang tidak mahu berganjak dari mempertahankan sekolah vernakular menjelaskan kepada rakyat betapa mereka sebenarnya tidak dapat memisahkan diri dan pemikiran mereka dari sifat-sifat perkauman yang tebal.
Bahasa kebangsaan harus menjadi asas pertama ke arah pembentukan sebuah bangsa Malaysia seperti yang sering mereka laungkan. Mereka seharusnya membuktikan kecintaan mereka kepada Bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa kebangsaan melebihi kefanatikan kepada bahasa ibunda mereka. Sekurang-kurangnya ini boleh dijadikan sandaran untuk kita mempercayai bahawa mereka sememangnya mempunyai ketaatan bersama dalam menjunjung prinsip rukunegara sebagai bukti pertanggungjawaban mereka kepada negara.
For Royal Professor Ungku Aziz to say that there was no social contract between the founding fathers of our nation, this has put a nail in the coffin on those ultra-malays who still see Ketuanan Melayu as a cornerstone for race relationships in this country.
ReplyDeleteWhile other matured and well-developed nations have put to rest the 'master and slave' relationship among the various races, it baffles the mind of thinking people why should such policy still remain relevant in this 21st century here in Malaysia. We might call our British colonial masters 'Sir' or 'Tuan' in the early days but after half-a-century of independence, don't you think that such thinking is out of date?
Malay rights have been ensconced in the federal constitution and cannot be taken away unless by a two-thirds majority in parliament subject to the malay rulers approval. No one doubts that in the early days, the bumis especially the malays, needed affirmative actions to take them out of their cycle of poverty to be on par with other races, especially the Chinese.
But the NEP has outlived it purpose and it should be replaced with a new policy which will eradicate poverty regardless of creed and race.
The playing field should be more even and let the best among the best compete among themselves in order for our nation to progress in the future. Why should rich malays with their 'right political connections' obtain a big slice of the economic cake while the poor people are denied such opportunities to get them out of their cycle of poverty?
To be a respected race, the malays must discard the notion that the government will always have to provide them with opportunities in studies and business as if it was their birth right. The malays should be able to compete with the other races on an equal footing and work hard to improve their lot rather than expecting handouts from the government.
Ungku Aziz, a towering malay whose intellectual thinking is way ahead of his time, has opened a Pandora Box's with his outright statement that there is no written 'social contract' among the various races prior to independence. Umno politicians will now cry foul about his daring statement as they will always use the Ketuanan Melayu bogey to win the hearts and minds of the malays to support their cause. .
But the malays cannot be in a denial mode anymore. We must accept the fact that in the brave new world that we live in where people and capital move to places where no restrictions are imposed, the old way of doing business by having quota systems will drive capital away from our country and the people will suffer in the end if business opportunities pass our shores.
The malays should look at their Singapore brethren who are no less the worse although unlike their Malaysian cousins, they does not have any NEP policy to get a leg up in society. There is no short cut for success unless you work hard for it.
The Chinese came to Malaya more than 1000 years ago, while the Indians came here almost 1030 years ago. Kota Gelanggi and Lembah Bujang are proof of these early settlements.
ReplyDeleteIf you turn on BBC, there are fair and equal coverage on the UK opposition parties.
ReplyDeleteSo is NHK (Japan), so is KBS (Korea), so is CNN (America), so is CBC (Canada), so is ABC (Australia).
Even in our neighboring Thailand, their TV coverage is fair for both ruling and opposition parties!
Only in this Umno hijacked country that you find most lop-sided idiotic coverage on Umno and its running dog partners!
Yes, a lot of non-malays in Malaysia are leaving this country. But what the hell, they (babiputras) don't care. They are happy that we leave.
ReplyDeleteI do agree with you of those you mentioned, our country is stepping backward, we are loosing in all aspects and yet overdue and retarded ministers are still available on shelf. The ministers think that they are the only ones capable and qualified to be there and not replaceable, otherwise the country could collapse.
Looking at Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq likes looking at this country future. The well connected babiputras are getting richer. This government is spoon feeding the babiputras at this nation expense. I am sick of this country too.
My advise is let them rot in their own stew.
The Barisan government has achieved 0% in reversing the trend of racism.
While South Africa has disbanded racism through the government's initiative after the global news onslaught, our government leaders are propagating RACISM and FACISM in every way.
In term of racism, we are the most uncivilised country in the world. Look into our neighbouring countries of Asia, they are advancing economically on a straight forward objective, for their citizens.
Whereas we are moving in deviationist path, widely off the international economic theory for the sole objective, of propelling the well being of a supreme race.
Mahathir era is over, here we have Badawi. Is he changing the trend? Not a single sign of it.
How about the future under Najib? Sad, sad. They have more camouflage in readiness.
It is been interesting to read such free-flowing comments on an all "Malaysians" free for all.
ReplyDeleteThe "malays" are not a race. I am so sorry that you are only hearing this now. The rest of the academic world has known it for years.
Evidence, and not mere gut-feeling please.
From Yunnan to Taiwan, to Philippines, to Borneo, back to Cambodia, then to Kelantan, mixed with Achenese, Pattanis, Negritos, Javanese, Jakuns, Indians, Chinese and Arabs again.
In short, a Chinese mixed sub-race. Why not just say Chinese?
It is no secret that Parameswara was an Indian and a Hindu prince until he married a Pasai princess and converted to Islam and adopted the Persian name Iskandar Shah.
ReplyDeleteThere seemed to be no problem telling the truth as I just expressed it during my school days. The school textbooks were quite clear on this - but not today, I am told.
Once again the 'insecure' Umno-led government had to wipe out any references to this famous Melaka prince as being Hindu and belonging to the powerful Hindu empire Srivijaya.
So all of a sudden our museums, school textbooks etc, all refer to Parameswara as a malay prince. Umno's lying, mind you, is not confined to the mainstream newspapers.
Berdasarkan hujah2 di atas saya menyokong agar semua sekolah2 vernakular dihapuskan dengan seberapa segera di atas nama perpaduan...
ReplyDeleteronsam tu bongap dan bangang apo...
ReplyDeleteparameswara tu bukan eh india koleng do... agamo eh yo hindu..
tengok bali eh hindu tapi bukan org india koleng do, dio org semuo eh pribumi.
kalau x percayo dgn buku sjrh malaysia,poei baco buku sjrh indonesia pulak..kalau x percayo susah la.. bak kato terombo adat org mcm ni dikobakan 'bodoh x mau ditunjuk, bangang x mau diaja"